Saturday 5 March 2011

March on...

So here we are in March, thank goodness - February, I'm afraid, lived up to its reputation for being a grey, dreary, cold month this year. March began with a warm, sunny day - although it's cold at the moment, the birds are singing their hearts out in preparation for Spring.

I've been in the same school for over four months now. I've put a lot of work in and learnt a lot too, and am waiting to hear when the teacher who is off begins her phased return.

After that, I'm not sure what I'll be doing. I'm planning to be around for the transition which may mean missing out on other jobs, but I'm hoping for some day-to-day work which will help tide me over. I still don't feel that I'm 'there' yet in terms of What I'm Going To Do When I Grow Up, but to be honest I'm not sure I shall ever Arrive. I am happier on this journey, though, than I was for the previous nine years in my old job. I keep meeting people I knew then who tell me I look 'years younger'. Certainly the pride in having been courageous enough to leap out of bondage to the Local Authority has made me happier,; I expect that's what they see.

So - what next? I'm not sure. But as I've always said to my daughters, SOMETHING will be next. You never arrive at a point in your life without being able to look back at the path you trod to get there. I have absolute trust in that process, even though I'm hazy about the details. A year from now, I shall undoubtedly have been living my ilfe for another year, so it just remains to see what I'll have been doing!

Happy March to you all!

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