Sunday 11 October 2009

Another poem or two...

This one is VERY tongue-in-cheek, based on the last few years of dating. Don't worry, I haven't really given up hope!

I'm the one before the One -
The spark before the flame.
The woman men go out with,
And then forget her name.
They often rebound onto me,
Sometimes several times a night -
Then ricochet out of the bedroom
Into the arms of Mrs Right.

And here's one I wrote earlier... if you saw Paul Whitehouse doing his, "Aren't holes BRILLIANT!" sketches, you'll know how to read it...

They're great, words are!
Babies roll them round their mouths
savouring them for months
before spitting them, fully-formed
into the air around them.

From then on, that's it -
Words, words, words...
On the telly
On the radio,
On a teacher's lips...
They never stop coming at us,
Bombarding us with knowledge.
I've got some favourites:
Scudding, Micklethwaite, deelyboppers, iconoclastic...

They're great, words are!
You can tell people who you really are inside,
explain your dreams, hopes, desires...
ask for what you want,
tell it like it is,
comfort, caress your lover's ears with quiet whispers...

They're a great responsibility, words are!
You can irritate the HELL out of people,
invade their headspace,
say things you didn't mean, and can't un-say,
use them as playing-pieces in the game of love.
They can hurt people, break people, bring bad news...
Words are EVERYWHERE; they mean
Nothing and Everything,
all at once.
Sharp rocks, tumbling from our mouths,
cutting others as they fall.
They're dangerous things, words are...

But on the whole, I think they're great.
You can hide behind them,
Talk about things so you don't have to face them,
Express emotions so you don't have to feel them -
Project your preferred version of yourself into the public eye.
Everybody does it, don't they?
Except me.
I don't.
I just say what's on my mind, but
I like to do it right.
So of course, I choose my words. Carefully.

I sometimes wonder...
...whether they choose me.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I don't believe it - see you follow Sarah Duncan. I've been going to her classes in Bath for a couple of years! Small world, hey?

    Oh, I'm I_never_write btw.....

    We could use this one - v kind/rash of you to offer it up .. and a great title, now I've got my brain in gear .. but I had been thinking, because new people/new thing, if we have a fresh start for this new incarnation, it could be called Lawnder Hall?? It could be a Team Blog .... as per the instructions in Blogger. Yes, I'm a virgo too and I looked it up!


  3. Hah - could something be afoot here?

    BTW like your writing - haven't written any "pomes" for years and the style of mine were quite different from yours.

    Hope to be in touch beyond the reach of the sinking ship!


  4. Evening!
    Root 4 Me here (well, just plain old Andy as people in the real world appear to call me). Just stopping by to say hi to everyone from the deck. I don't blog for myself (blogged for Amnesty Int for several years though so am a seasoned pro) but I'll happily accept an invite to Lawnder Hall for a cup of tea, a buttered scone and a frequent natter if offered?

    Keep up the fight. We'll wear our favourite* editor down given time.

    *favourite in one unusual, twisted sense of the word. :-)

  5. Hi Gill
    Yet another TA refugee here - I'm Rumble. I think it would be great if we got together, on and/or offline. I think Nell probably has a point - your blog could easily be hijacked! Also think the idea of a Lawnder Hall blog is great, as long as I'm still Lady of the old pile :)
    I'm not a blogger so I'm happy to sit around in a Lady-like fashion waiting for someone else to set it up. And I loved the poem at the top!


  6. Hi Gill

    I'm not a blogger either, but happy to go along with this game! Fascinating how it evolves.

    I'm listen_here from the sinking ship. Based in London, that den of urban iniquity.


    (Perenially Pending, wonderful name!)

  7. Looked up Sarah Duncan thanks to the mentions above - very interesting, though a totally different tack. I wonder what she makes of the recent poor characterisation/plot/writing in The Archers?!

    Cathy again

  8. Hi all! You are welcome, I haven't used this blog for anything else for a while, just relieved to see you got here. I really thought I might get blocked or thrown off for even daring to mention my blog, as on Dating sites...

    Feel free to keep hijacking and exchange addresses etc.

    I'm Gill Ashton on Facebook (Sheffield) if any of you are there - feel free to add me as a friend!

  9. Looks like someone has bagged Lawnder Hall on wordpress - was it one of you deckmates?


  10. Just found that it wasn't lawnderhall that was taken but my original choice of user name!

    Have set up - only thing is that those who wish to write posts rather than just leaving comments will need to sign up for a wordpress account so that I can add them as users.


  11. Hi Gill,
    Just f/booked you and hoping I got the right GA!

    Hi Helen - do you need our wordpress username or email address? I don't want to publish my email on there for spammers to harvest, that's all.
    AndyP aka Root 4 Me

  12. May I be really ignorant and ask why Lawnder Hall? I think I'm missing something obvious... ;)

  13. Helen - being thick. I've got an account now, but do you just need the username to add me?


  14. Lawnder .... Sir Fred's a banker .... or rather he knows someone who is, who could step in as Toff of the Manor - or in this case Hall. Lawnder / launder..... :o)

  15. I can't find that - cut and pasted but it said it didn't exist!

  16. It's dubya dubya dubya dot lawnderhall dot wordpress dot com ...... We'd been wondering where you'd got to...
