Saturday 12 February 2011

The Big Society

I genuinely no longer know whether David Cameron has really spoken, or whether reports are spoofs, these days.

I don't understand how nobody has yet stood up in public and asked how we can create a Big Society when the Tories are fully aware that THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS SOCIETY. Sowing and reaping come to mind.

I don't know if I've fully understood the implications of his plan, but it looks to me as though charities are going to be allowed to fill all the gaps which Government aren't prepared to pay for. Is that it? If so, it's a wonderful vision... for the bankers.

When will those in 'power' understand that there is anger - REAL anger (and this from someone who buried her anger so deeply under a Christian veneer that it's taken me thirty years to get back in touch with it) - about the fact that whilst hundreds of thousands of people are unable to afford basic staples, we have yet to see those who brought about this situation brought to book. Bonuses worth hundreds of thousands of pounds are still being paid as a reward for greed and mismanagement.

I AM angry. And I feel powerless. I voted LibDem because that is where my heart lies, not as some weedy cop-out from having to think about politics. And so now I am homeless, disenfranchised through the whole cynical process of the Tories munching up Clegg and spitting him out.

And don't even get me started on footballers' salaries...

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